Well, what an exciting two weeks I've had! Knitting has been my true anchor tempering my mood as of late.
My Williamsro is almost done. One sleeve is left to make and the bottom addition of Noro Blossom.
I finished the Dagmara Berztiss square of the GAAA. I really like this design. I thought it was the easiest so far...... we’ll see what the square girls think. They started last Wed.
I’ve decided to give the TKGA MK lev 3 hat another try. I scraped my original idea and designed a completely new hat. I’m becoming an expert on designing Aran hats. This time I simplified the cables and tested some new knitting methods. I'm kind if liking it.
After the hat and Williamsro, it’s back to the TKGA MK lev3 swatches and sweater. .
Look at this:
How is Mr. Zip?
He’s doing great. He was not so foolish as to try and save.