A Dakota tribal wisdom says that when you discover you are riding a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount. In business, however, it seems that we often try other strategies with dead horses including the following:
Buying a stronger whip.
Changing riders.
Saying things like, "This is the way we have always ridden this horse."
Appointing a committee to study the horse.
Arranging to visit other sites to see how they ride dead horses.
Appointing a tiger team to revive the dead horse.
Creating a training session to increase our riding ability.
Comparing the state of dead horses in today's environment.
Change the requirements declaring that, "This horse is not dead."
Hire contractors to ride the dead horse.
Harnessing several dead horses together for increased speed.
Declaring that, "No horse is too dead to beat."
Providing additional funding to increase the horse's performance.
Do a CA Study to see if contractors can ride it cheaper.
Purchase a product to make dead horses run faster, like a new saddle.
Declare the is, "better, faster and cheaper" dead.
Find a quality circle to find users for dead horses.
Revisit the performance requirements for horses.
Say this horse was procured with cost as an independent variable.
Promote the dead horse to a management position.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Lipizzan Style
We've had some fantastic weather lately.
Since the Spring Piano Recital, I've been interested in imovie. I think I'm doing a fairly decent job. Here is the video I made to learn how to work the application:
Pretty neat.
Since the Spring Piano Recital, I've been interested in imovie. I think I'm doing a fairly decent job. Here is the video I made to learn how to work the application:
Pretty neat.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Rabbits and Barn Swallows
This is Belle. She lives behind my barn near a little shed under an overhang. She's very sweet. You can walk up and talk to her, probably even pet her.

The barn swallows are back to their regular nest. This is year 4 for that nest. They are such pests but I still love them. They make a giant mess
I wish I could get rid of those annoying crows and those stupid June bugs.
The barn swallows are back to their regular nest. This is year 4 for that nest. They are such pests but I still love them. They make a giant mess
I wish I could get rid of those annoying crows and those stupid June bugs.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
TKGA Master Hand Knitting Bibliography
This is a combination of all of my sources for the MHK program levels 1-3. I tried to put the level I used the source for ahead of the entry. I removed email and personal correspondence. This has been copied and pasted several times, so no underlining or italics have come through, some of the links look funny and there are no hyperlinks, Blogger would not post some links as well so they are missing. Most have annotations.
3 "Alphabet." Little Cotton Rabbits. 10 Jan. 2009.
Charted letters; duplicate stitch.
3 Anvin, Susan. "Knitting how-to guide - Instructions and electronic chart notation for every knit stitch." The Anvin clan home page. 2003. 22 Feb. 2009
Computer chart symbols.
3 Balvanz, Denise. Denise's Easy Graph Designer. Program documentation. Denise Needleworks..
Colorwork charting software.
3 Barton, Ariel. "Charts are Your Friends." Knitty: Winter 2008. Winter 2008. 22 Feb. 2009.
Article on charts.
2 Basic Sock Video. Dir. Wiseman M. Nancie. Videocassette. Wisewater Productions, 1996.
Sock construction.
2 Becker, Paula. "Knitting for Victory -- World War II." HistoryLink.Org. 19 Aug. 2004. History Ink. 9 Jan. 2007 "http://www.historylink.org/essays/output.cfm?file_id=5721" http://www.historylink.org/essays/output.cfm?file_id=5721
Website dedicated to Washington State History. This page addresses Victory Knitting during WWII.
1,2,3.The Best of Vogue Knitting Magazine: 25 Years of Articles, Techniques, and Expert Advice. New York: Sixth and Springs, 2007.
Knitting Articles.
2,3 Blanchard, Nanette. Stranded Color Knitting. 15 Dec. 2006.
Self published work on stranded knitting. Used for Fair Isle mitten and questions.
2 Breiter, Barbara. "Glossary of Knitting Terms." Knitting on the Net. 16 Jan. 2007 "http://www.knittingonthenet.com/learn/glossary.htm" http://www.knittingonthenet.com/learn/glossary.htm
Website explains basic knitting and has some patterns.
2, 3 Budd, Ann. The Knitter's Handy Book of Patterns : Basic Designs in Multiple Sizes and Gauges. New York: Interweave P, LLC, 2002.
Pattern design--hat/ sweater patterns and book review.
3 Budd, Ann. The Knitter's Handy Book of Sweater Patterns: Basic Designs in Multiple Sizes and Gauges. New York: Interweave P, LLC, 2004.
Sweater design; sweater project.
3 Coniglio, Joni, ed. The Great American Aran Afghan. Danbury: XRX, Incorporated, 2003.
Chart symbols (XRX).
1, 2, 3 Buss, Katharina. Big Book of Knitting. New York: Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., 2001
Knitting reference book.
3 Dale of Norway. Dalegarn Nr.138. Brochure. Waukesha: 2004.
Sweater project.
2, 3 Don, Sarah. Fair Isle Knitting. Minneapolis: Dover Publications, Incorporated, 2007.
Design and history; used for traditional knitting reports.
3 Eckman, Edie. The Crochet Answer Book. Grand Rapids: Storey, LLC, 2005.
Dye lot.
2 Ehrlinger, Lorraine. "On Your Way to the Masters: Great Beginnings." Cast On. Fall 2004: 76-78.
Cast ons.
2 Ehrlinger, Lorraine. "On Your Way to the Masters: Tame Cables Cable Flare &
Puckering." Cast On Winter 2004: 60-61.
Technical: information on cable flare.
3 Englund, Oma. "Entrelac Instructions." About. 9 June 2005.
Entrelac instruction. No longer available.
3 Fee, Jacqueline. The Sweater Workshop: Knit Creative, Seam-Free Sweaters on Your Own with Any Yarn. New York: Down East Books, 2002.
Source for EPS sweater design, Traditional knititng report.
2, 3 Feitelson, Ann. The Art of Fair Isle Knitting: History, Technique, Color and Patterns. New York: Interweave P, LLC, 1996.
In depth Fair Isle design, history and patterns. Historical, Technical and Pattern Book: Used for the historical content and for the Fair Isle mitten project.
1, 2, 3 Finlay, Amy. "Basic Techniques—Decreases." Knitting Help.Com. 16 Jan. 2007.
How to website; Used for decrease swatches
3 Fisher, Margaret. "Mosaics." Cast On Aug.-Sept. 2006: 50-52.
Mosaic knitting.
2 German Hosiery Museum. 09 July 2003. 19 Feb. 2007.
2, 3 Gibson-Roberts, Priscilla A., and Robson, Deborah. Knitting in the Old Way: Designs & Techniques from Ethnic Sweaters. Fort Collins: Nomad P, 2004.
In depth history and technique.
3 Gregory, Barbara. "Delft Tiles Tee." Interweave Knits Summer 2008: 58-60.
Adapted chart from pattern for Mosaic swatch #13.
3 Haggerty, Bridget. "Aran Isle Sweaters - how a dropped stitch gave rise to a popular myth." Irish Cultures and Customs. 18 Oct. 2006. 19 June 2008.
Aran hat project.
3 "Handspinning Woollen and Worsted Yarn." The Joy of Handspinning. 2007. 29 July 2008.
Fiber report.
1, 2, 3 The Harmony Guide to Knitting Stitches. London: Lyric Books, 1983.
Book of pattern stitches.
3 Harris, Bronwyn. "What is novelty yarn." Wise Geek. 1 Aug. 2008
Fiber report.
1, 2, 3 Hiatt Hemmons, June. The Principles of Knitting. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1988.
Comprehensive knitting reference book.
2 HistoricKnit..
Historical knitting discussion group; provided links to many interesting historical sites.
All information is opinion unless documented.
1, 2 Holladay, Arenda. "On Your Way to the Masters: Decreases, Part 1." Cast On Spring
2005: 22-24.
Technical article; used for decrease swatches.
1, 2 Holladay, Arenda. "On Your Way to the Masters: Decreases, Part 2." Cast On Summer 2005: 16-17.
Technical article; used for decrease swatches.
2 Holladay, Arenda. "On Your Way to the Masters: Seams, Part 1.” Cast On August- October 2007: 67-69.
Stockinette, reverse stockinette, garter and seed stitch seams.
2 Holladay, Arenda. "On Your Way to the Masters: Seams, Part 2.” Cast On November 2007- January 2008: 65-66.
2x2 and1x1 rib seams.
2 Holladay, Arenda. "On Your Way to the Masters: Seams, Part 3.” Cast On. February- April 2008: 64-66.
Horizontal/horizontal and vertical/horizontal seams.
2, 3 Holladay, Arenda. "On Your Way to the Masters: Pattern Writing, Part One." Cast On Spring 2004: 76-77.
Pattern writing--swatches
2, 3 Holladay, Arenda. "On Your Way to the Masters: Pattern Writing, Part Two." Cast On Spring 2004: 60-61.
Pattern writing--projects
1 2 Holladay, Arenda. "On Your Way to the Masters: Those Pesky Yarn Tails." Cast On Spring 2003: 13-15.
Technical: used for weaving tail end—new technique.
3 Holland, Micah. "Acrylic - It’s Old, It’s New, It’s Everywhere!" The Costumer's Manifesto. 2006. 30 July 2008.
Fiber report--acrylic yarn history.
3 Interweave Knits Fall 2008.
Magazine review.
3 Interweave Knits Spring 2008.
Magazine review.
3 Interweave Knits Summer 2008.
Magazine review.
3 Interweave Knits Winter 2008
Magazine review.
3 Jang, Eunny. "Bayerische." See Eunnny Knit. 14 Sept. 2006. 15 July 2008.
Traveling twisted Stitches.
3 Jang, Eunny. "Beyond the Basics: Steeks-- Cutting the Edge." Interweave Knits Winter 2006: 100-102.
3 Jang, Eunny. "The Steeking Chronicles." See Eunny Knit. 11 Jan. 2006. 17 June 2008.
3 Jezek, Geno. "What is polyester/History of Polyester/Uses of Polyester/Manufacture of Polyester." What is Polyester. 2006. 1 Aug. 2008.
Fiber report.
3 Kariniemi-Alve, Leena. "From the Arctic Circle: Knitted Rovaniemi Mittens." Piecework Jan. & Feb. 2008: 12-15.
Rovaniemi mittens; traditional knitting report.
2, 3 Kartus, Lisa. Knit Fix. Loveland, CO: Interweave Press, 2006.
Recognizing and fixing knitting problems.
2, 3 Keele, Wendy, . Poems of Color: Knitting in the Bohus Tradition. New York: Interweave P, LLC, 1995.
Bohus knitting; traditional knitting report.
3 Knight, Erika. Harmony Guide: Basic Crochet Stitches 250 Stitches to Crochet (The Harmony Guides). New York: Interweave P, 2008. (Trim)
Sweater project.
3 A Knitting Glossary. Dir. Chris Swansen. Perf. Elizabeth Zimmermann, Meg Swansen. DVD. Schoolhouse Press, 2005.
DVD demonstrating knitting techniques.
2 Lind, Vibeke. Knitting in the Nordic Tradition. Asheville: Lark Books, 1997.
Translation of: Strik med nordisk tradition. History of Nordic patterns, garment styles, tools, traditions and techniques. Includes charts.
3 Lovick, Elizabeth. A Fair Isle Workbook. St Margaret's Hope, Orkney, 2008.
Fair Isle workshop. Sweater project.
3 Lovick, Elizabeth. "Orkney Pi Shawl." Ms. Northern Lace, 1 Sweyn Court, Church Road, St Margaret's Hope, Orkney KW17 2SR; / . 2008. http://www.northernlace.co.uk
Knit-along hosted by Liz Lovick involving Orkney/Shetland Lace pattern with the EZ as Pi Yahoo Group. Pattern now for sale.
3 Luutonen, Marketta. Handmade Memories. 2008. The Finnish Crafts Organization. 2 Mar. 2009 .Rustic product as a conveyor of meaning. [A study of Finnish pullovers]). Helsinki, Finland. Pp. 331-341
Doctoral thesis concerning memories and meanings associated with handmade items. traditional knitting report.
3 Marchant, Nancy. "Brioche Stitch." Interweave Knits Spring 2005: 80-85.
Brioche stitch --swatch 6.
3 Marchant, Nancy. "Honeycomb Brioche Stitch." The Brioche Stitch. 2007. 3 July 2008.
Brioche stitch --swatch 6.
3 Mates, Kathyrn. "On Your Way to the Masters: Keys to Successful Duplicate Stitch." Cast On Feb-April, 2008: 58-59.
Duplicate stitch; Intarsia Swatch.
2, 3 McGregor, Sheila. Traditional Fair Isle Knitting. Minneapolis: Dover Publications, Incorporated, 2003.
Fair Isle discussion and design; good chart source. Traditional knitting report.
2, 3 McGregor, Sheila. Traditional Scandinavian Knitting. Minneapolis: Dover Publications, Incorporated, 2004.
Nordic knitting discussion and design; good chart source. Traditional knitting report and sweater project.
2 Melville, Sally. The Knitting Experience: Book 3: Color. Sioux Falls: Xrx Books, 2005.
Pattern book with technical information on various methods of color knitting.
2 Miller, Geoffrey. "The History of the Gansey." Flamborough Marine Limited. 3 Jan.
2007 << HYPERLINK "http://www.manorhouse.clara.net/knitwear/history.htm" http://www.manorhouse.clara.net/knitwear/history.htm>.
Historical: Website of a British sweater company selling historical ganseys. These pages discuss the history of the gansey.
2 Morris, Charlotte. "Beyond the Basics: Perfect Seams, Part 1." Interweave Knits Spring 2002: 68-70.
Seed stitch seaming.
3 Nolan, Katherine. "Aran Stitches and their Meanings." DoChara Your Irish Friend. 2004. InKK Designs. 26 Oct. 2008
Aran hat project.
3 Pagoldh, Susanne. Nordic Knitting New York: Interweave P, 1997.
Nordic knitting history, technique and patterns. Traditional knitting report.
3 Pentikainen, Juha. and Poom, Riva. Kalevala Mythology. Bloomington, Ind: Indiana UP, 1999.
Translation/ Finnish mythology, p 144 definition for traditional knitting report.
3 Piecework Jan. & Feb. 2008.
Magazine review.
3 Reckweg, Nurhanne. "Tips for Doily Knitting." Yarn Over. 2007. 6 July 2008.
Doily information: materials, working the project, blocking, + more.
2 "Regional Knitting in the British Isles & Ireland." The Victoria and Albert Museum. 8 Jan. 2005.
Website of the Victoria and Albert museum; these pages address historical items and provides links to other knitting sites.
1, 2, 3 Righetti, Maggie. Knitting in Plain English. New York: St Martin’s Press, 1986.
Comprehensive reference book on knitting.
1 Roberts, Marilyn A. “Blocking for Blockheads.” The Knitting Curmudgeon. 2002. [Cited 17 August 2006]. HYPERLINK "http://www.knittingcurmudgeon.com/" http:// www.knittingcurmudgeon.com/BlockingforBlockheads.pdf.
Blocking report.
2, 3 Roberts, Marilyn A. "Swatch Out!" Knitty.Com. 2003. 8 Feb. 2007 ..
Knitty website: Article on gauge.
2 3 Rutt, Richard. The History of Hand Knitting. Loveland, Colorado: Interweave Press, 1987.
Book on knitting history.
2 St. Claire, Celine. "The Cowichin Sweater." The Cowichin Webzine. 4 Jan. 2007.
Website dedicated to the Cowichin Indians; this page addresses the Cowichin sweater.
2 Sowerby, Jane. Victorian Lace Today. Sioux Falls: Xrx Books, 2006.
Book addressing history, technique, design and patterns; XRX charts. Book addressing history, technique, design and patterns; used for book review and historical information.
3 Spence-Ash, Laura. "Knitting out of the Pantry." Interweave Knits Summer 2004: 34-36.
Fiber report--bamboo.
1, 2, 3 Stanley, Montise. Reader’s Digest Knitter’s Handbook. Pleasantville, NY: The Reader’s
Digest Association, 2001.
Comprehensive reference book on knitting.
2 Stenersen, Theresa, Vinson. "Techniques with Theresa." Knitty. 2004. 24 Jan. 2007.
Web magazine; this article address grafting of stitches.
2 Szabo, Janet. Aran Sweater Design. Kalispell, MT: Big Sky Knitting Designs, 2006.
Self published book about Aran sweater design and element; cable swatches.
2 "Textiles." Shetland Museum Service. 31 Mar. 2005. 8 Jan. 2007.
Website of the Shetland Museum (historical) Pages address knitting in the Shetland Isles.
1 Thomas, Jessica Fenlon. “To Block or Not to Block...” 2002. Knitty. [Cited 28 January 2006]. http://knitty.com/ISSUEwinter02/FEATdiyknitter.html.
Blocking report.
3 "Tikkuripaita." Silmukka silmkalta, kerros derrokselta perinteen maailmaan. Mar. 2003. 2 Mar. 2009
Tikkuri paita sweater; traditional knitting report. Page translation.
3 Tran, Khanh T. "Designers Go Green With Sustainable Fabrics." Bamboo Clothes: bamboo textiles. 2006. 31 July 2008.
1, 2, 3Vogue Knitting: the Ultimate Knitting Book. New York: Sixth and Springs Books, 2002.
Comprehensive knitting reference book.
2 Walker, Barbara G. Charted Knitting Designs. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1972.
Book on knitting designs; used for explanation of mosaic knitting.
3 White, Sarah E. "Knitting with Bamboo Yarn." About.com. 2008. 31 July 2008.
fiber report--bamboo.
1 Wilson, Jenna. “…a field guide to yarn substitutions.” 2003. Knitty. [Cited 5 February 2006] Yarn substitution.
1, 2, 3 Wiseman, Nancie M. The Knitter’s Book of Finishing Techniques. Woodinville: Martingale and Company, 2002.
Book addressing techniques to finish knitted pieces.
3Working Travelling Twisted Stitches." Crossed in Translation. 4 Jan. 2006. 14 July 2008.
Austrian Twisted Stitches swatch.
3Wyche, Carol. "Entrelac Handout." PrismNet : Austin TX VOIP, Broadband Colocation, Web Hosting. 13 Aug. 2008.
3Zimmermann, Elizabeth. The Opinionated Knitter. New York: Schoolhouse P, 2005.
Collection of Elizabeth Zimmermann's Newsletters; Traditional knitting report.
3 "Alphabet." Little Cotton Rabbits. 10 Jan. 2009
Charted letters; duplicate stitch.
3 Anvin, Susan. "Knitting how-to guide - Instructions and electronic chart notation for every knit stitch." The Anvin clan home page. 2003. 22 Feb. 2009
Computer chart symbols.
3 Balvanz, Denise. Denise's Easy Graph Designer. Program documentation. Denise Needleworks.
Colorwork charting software.
3 Barton, Ariel. "Charts are Your Friends." Knitty: Winter 2008. Winter 2008. 22 Feb. 2009
Article on charts.
2 Basic Sock Video. Dir. Wiseman M. Nancie. Videocassette. Wisewater Productions, 1996.
Sock construction.
2 Becker, Paula. "Knitting for Victory -- World War II." HistoryLink.Org. 19 Aug. 2004. History Ink. 9 Jan. 2007 "http://www.historylink.org/essays/output.cfm?file_id=5721" http://www.historylink.org/essays/output.cfm?file_id=5721
Website dedicated to Washington State History. This page addresses Victory Knitting during WWII.
1,2,3.The Best of Vogue Knitting Magazine: 25 Years of Articles, Techniques, and Expert Advice. New York: Sixth and Springs, 2007.
Knitting Articles.
2,3 Blanchard, Nanette. Stranded Color Knitting. 15 Dec. 2006
Self published work on stranded knitting. Used for Fair Isle mitten and questions.
2 Breiter, Barbara. "Glossary of Knitting Terms." Knitting on the Net. 16 Jan. 2007 "http://www.knittingonthenet.com/learn/glossary.htm" http://www.knittingonthenet.com/learn/glossary.htm
Website explains basic knitting and has some patterns.
2, 3 Budd, Ann. The Knitter's Handy Book of Patterns : Basic Designs in Multiple Sizes and Gauges. New York: Interweave P, LLC, 2002.
Pattern design--hat/ sweater patterns and book review.
3 Budd, Ann. The Knitter's Handy Book of Sweater Patterns: Basic Designs in Multiple Sizes and Gauges. New York: Interweave P, LLC, 2004.
Sweater design; sweater project.
3 Coniglio, Joni, ed. The Great American Aran Afghan. Danbury: XRX, Incorporated, 2003.
Chart symbols (XRX).
1, 2, 3 Buss, Katharina. Big Book of Knitting. New York: Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., 2001
Knitting reference book.
3 Dale of Norway. Dalegarn Nr.138. Brochure. Waukesha: 2004.
Sweater project.
2, 3 Don, Sarah. Fair Isle Knitting. Minneapolis: Dover Publications, Incorporated, 2007.
Design and history; used for traditional knitting reports.
3 Eckman, Edie. The Crochet Answer Book. Grand Rapids: Storey, LLC, 2005.
Dye lot.
2 Ehrlinger, Lorraine. "On Your Way to the Masters: Great Beginnings." Cast On. Fall 2004: 76-78.
Cast ons.
2 Ehrlinger, Lorraine. "On Your Way to the Masters: Tame Cables Cable Flare &
Puckering." Cast On Winter 2004: 60-61.
Technical: information on cable flare.
3 Englund, Oma. "Entrelac Instructions." About. 9 June 2005
Entrelac instruction. No longer available.
3 Fee, Jacqueline. The Sweater Workshop: Knit Creative, Seam-Free Sweaters on Your Own with Any Yarn. New York: Down East Books, 2002.
Source for EPS sweater design, Traditional knititng report.
2, 3 Feitelson, Ann. The Art of Fair Isle Knitting: History, Technique, Color and Patterns. New York: Interweave P, LLC, 1996.
In depth Fair Isle design, history and patterns. Historical, Technical and Pattern Book: Used for the historical content and for the Fair Isle mitten project.
1, 2, 3 Finlay, Amy. "Basic Techniques—Decreases." Knitting Help.Com. 16 Jan. 2007
How to website; Used for decrease swatches
3 Fisher, Margaret. "Mosaics." Cast On Aug.-Sept. 2006: 50-52.
Mosaic knitting.
2 German Hosiery Museum. 09 July 2003. 19 Feb. 2007
2, 3 Gibson-Roberts, Priscilla A., and Robson, Deborah. Knitting in the Old Way: Designs & Techniques from Ethnic Sweaters. Fort Collins: Nomad P, 2004.
In depth history and technique.
3 Gregory, Barbara. "Delft Tiles Tee." Interweave Knits Summer 2008: 58-60.
Adapted chart from pattern for Mosaic swatch #13.
3 Haggerty, Bridget. "Aran Isle Sweaters - how a dropped stitch gave rise to a popular myth." Irish Cultures and Customs. 18 Oct. 2006. 19 June 2008
Aran hat project.
3 "Handspinning Woollen and Worsted Yarn." The Joy of Handspinning. 2007. 29 July 2008
Fiber report.
1, 2, 3 The Harmony Guide to Knitting Stitches. London: Lyric Books, 1983.
Book of pattern stitches.
3 Harris, Bronwyn. "What is novelty yarn." Wise Geek. 1 Aug. 2008
Fiber report.
1, 2, 3 Hiatt Hemmons, June. The Principles of Knitting. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1988.
Comprehensive knitting reference book.
2 HistoricKnit.
Historical knitting discussion group; provided links to many interesting historical sites.
All information is opinion unless documented.
1, 2 Holladay, Arenda. "On Your Way to the Masters: Decreases, Part 1." Cast On Spring
2005: 22-24.
Technical article; used for decrease swatches.
1, 2 Holladay, Arenda. "On Your Way to the Masters: Decreases, Part 2." Cast On Summer 2005: 16-17.
Technical article; used for decrease swatches.
2 Holladay, Arenda. "On Your Way to the Masters: Seams, Part 1.” Cast On August- October 2007: 67-69.
Stockinette, reverse stockinette, garter and seed stitch seams.
2 Holladay, Arenda. "On Your Way to the Masters: Seams, Part 2.” Cast On November 2007- January 2008: 65-66.
2x2 and1x1 rib seams.
2 Holladay, Arenda. "On Your Way to the Masters: Seams, Part 3.” Cast On. February- April 2008: 64-66.
Horizontal/horizontal and vertical/horizontal seams.
2, 3 Holladay, Arenda. "On Your Way to the Masters: Pattern Writing, Part One." Cast On Spring 2004: 76-77.
Pattern writing--swatches
2, 3 Holladay, Arenda. "On Your Way to the Masters: Pattern Writing, Part Two." Cast On Spring 2004: 60-61.
Pattern writing--projects
1 2 Holladay, Arenda. "On Your Way to the Masters: Those Pesky Yarn Tails." Cast On Spring 2003: 13-15.
Technical: used for weaving tail end—new technique.
3 Holland, Micah. "Acrylic - It’s Old, It’s New, It’s Everywhere!" The Costumer's Manifesto. 2006. 30 July 2008
Fiber report--acrylic yarn history.
3 Interweave Knits Fall 2008.
Magazine review.
3 Interweave Knits Spring 2008.
Magazine review.
3 Interweave Knits Summer 2008.
Magazine review.
3 Interweave Knits Winter 2008
Magazine review.
3 Jang, Eunny. "Bayerische." See Eunnny Knit. 14 Sept. 2006. 15 July 2008
Traveling twisted Stitches.
3 Jang, Eunny. "Beyond the Basics: Steeks-- Cutting the Edge." Interweave Knits Winter 2006: 100-102.
3 Jang, Eunny. "The Steeking Chronicles." See Eunny Knit. 11 Jan. 2006. 17 June 2008
3 Jezek, Geno. "What is polyester/History of Polyester/Uses of Polyester/Manufacture of Polyester." What is Polyester. 2006. 1 Aug. 2008
Fiber report.
3 Kariniemi-Alve, Leena. "From the Arctic Circle: Knitted Rovaniemi Mittens." Piecework Jan. & Feb. 2008: 12-15.
Rovaniemi mittens; traditional knitting report.
2, 3 Kartus, Lisa. Knit Fix. Loveland, CO: Interweave Press, 2006.
Recognizing and fixing knitting problems.
2, 3 Keele, Wendy, . Poems of Color: Knitting in the Bohus Tradition. New York: Interweave P, LLC, 1995.
Bohus knitting; traditional knitting report.
3 Knight, Erika. Harmony Guide: Basic Crochet Stitches 250 Stitches to Crochet (The Harmony Guides). New York: Interweave P, 2008. (Trim)
Sweater project.
3 A Knitting Glossary. Dir. Chris Swansen. Perf. Elizabeth Zimmermann, Meg Swansen. DVD. Schoolhouse Press, 2005.
DVD demonstrating knitting techniques.
2 Lind, Vibeke. Knitting in the Nordic Tradition. Asheville: Lark Books, 1997.
Translation of: Strik med nordisk tradition. History of Nordic patterns, garment styles, tools, traditions and techniques. Includes charts.
3 Lovick, Elizabeth. A Fair Isle Workbook. St Margaret's Hope, Orkney, 2008.
Fair Isle workshop. Sweater project.
3 Lovick, Elizabeth. "Orkney Pi Shawl." Ms. Northern Lace, 1 Sweyn Court, Church Road, St Margaret's Hope, Orkney KW17 2SR; / . 2008. http://www.northernlace.co.uk
Knit-along hosted by Liz Lovick involving Orkney/Shetland Lace pattern with the EZ as Pi Yahoo Group. Pattern now for sale.
3 Luutonen, Marketta. Handmade Memories. 2008. The Finnish Crafts Organization. 2 Mar. 2009 .Rustic product as a conveyor of meaning. [A study of Finnish pullovers]). Helsinki, Finland. Pp. 331-341
Doctoral thesis concerning memories and meanings associated with handmade items. traditional knitting report.
3 Marchant, Nancy. "Brioche Stitch." Interweave Knits Spring 2005: 80-85.
Brioche stitch --swatch 6.
3 Marchant, Nancy. "Honeycomb Brioche Stitch." The Brioche Stitch. 2007. 3 July 2008
Brioche stitch --swatch 6.
3 Mates, Kathyrn. "On Your Way to the Masters: Keys to Successful Duplicate Stitch." Cast On Feb-April, 2008: 58-59.
Duplicate stitch; Intarsia Swatch.
2, 3 McGregor, Sheila. Traditional Fair Isle Knitting. Minneapolis: Dover Publications, Incorporated, 2003.
Fair Isle discussion and design; good chart source. Traditional knitting report.
2, 3 McGregor, Sheila. Traditional Scandinavian Knitting. Minneapolis: Dover Publications, Incorporated, 2004.
Nordic knitting discussion and design; good chart source. Traditional knitting report and sweater project.
2 Melville, Sally. The Knitting Experience: Book 3: Color. Sioux Falls: Xrx Books, 2005.
Pattern book with technical information on various methods of color knitting.
2 Miller, Geoffrey. "The History of the Gansey." Flamborough Marine Limited. 3 Jan.
2007 << HYPERLINK "http://www.manorhouse.clara.net/knitwear/history.htm" http://www.manorhouse.clara.net/knitwear/history.htm>.
Historical: Website of a British sweater company selling historical ganseys. These pages discuss the history of the gansey.
2 Morris, Charlotte. "Beyond the Basics: Perfect Seams, Part 1." Interweave Knits Spring 2002: 68-70.
Seed stitch seaming.
3 Nolan, Katherine. "Aran Stitches and their Meanings." DoChara Your Irish Friend. 2004. InKK Designs. 26 Oct. 2008
Aran hat project.
3 Pagoldh, Susanne. Nordic Knitting New York: Interweave P, 1997.
Nordic knitting history, technique and patterns. Traditional knitting report.
3 Pentikainen, Juha. and Poom, Riva. Kalevala Mythology. Bloomington, Ind: Indiana UP, 1999.
Translation/ Finnish mythology, p 144 definition for traditional knitting report.
3 Piecework Jan. & Feb. 2008.
Magazine review.
3 Reckweg, Nurhanne. "Tips for Doily Knitting." Yarn Over. 2007. 6 July 2008
Doily information: materials, working the project, blocking, + more.
2 "Regional Knitting in the British Isles & Ireland." The Victoria and Albert Museum. 8 Jan. 2005
Website of the Victoria and Albert museum; these pages address historical items and provides links to other knitting sites.
1, 2, 3 Righetti, Maggie. Knitting in Plain English. New York: St Martin’s Press, 1986.
Comprehensive reference book on knitting.
1 Roberts, Marilyn A. “Blocking for Blockheads.” The Knitting Curmudgeon. 2002. [Cited 17 August 2006]. HYPERLINK "http://www.knittingcurmudgeon.com/" http:// www.knittingcurmudgeon.com/BlockingforBlockheads.pdf.
Blocking report.
2, 3 Roberts, Marilyn A. "Swatch Out!" Knitty.Com. 2003. 8 Feb. 2007 .
Knitty website: Article on gauge.
2 3 Rutt, Richard. The History of Hand Knitting. Loveland, Colorado: Interweave Press, 1987.
Book on knitting history.
2 St. Claire, Celine. "The Cowichin Sweater." The Cowichin Webzine. 4 Jan. 2007
Website dedicated to the Cowichin Indians; this page addresses the Cowichin sweater.
2 Sowerby, Jane. Victorian Lace Today. Sioux Falls: Xrx Books, 2006.
Book addressing history, technique, design and patterns; XRX charts. Book addressing history, technique, design and patterns; used for book review and historical information.
3 Spence-Ash, Laura. "Knitting out of the Pantry." Interweave Knits Summer 2004: 34-36.
Fiber report--bamboo.
1, 2, 3 Stanley, Montise. Reader’s Digest Knitter’s Handbook. Pleasantville, NY: The Reader’s
Digest Association, 2001.
Comprehensive reference book on knitting.
2 Stenersen, Theresa, Vinson. "Techniques with Theresa." Knitty. 2004. 24 Jan. 2007
Web magazine; this article address grafting of stitches.
2 Szabo, Janet. Aran Sweater Design. Kalispell, MT: Big Sky Knitting Designs, 2006.
Self published book about Aran sweater design and element; cable swatches.
2 "Textiles." Shetland Museum Service. 31 Mar. 2005. 8 Jan. 2007
Website of the Shetland Museum (historical) Pages address knitting in the Shetland Isles.
1 Thomas, Jessica Fenlon. “To Block or Not to Block...” 2002. Knitty. [Cited 28 January 2006]. http://knitty.com/ISSUEwinter02/FEATdiyknitter.html.
Blocking report.
3 "Tikkuripaita." Silmukka silmkalta, kerros derrokselta perinteen maailmaan. Mar. 2003. 2 Mar. 2009
Tikkuri paita sweater; traditional knitting report. Page translation.
3 Tran, Khanh T. "Designers Go Green With Sustainable Fabrics." Bamboo Clothes: bamboo textiles. 2006. 31 July 2008
1, 2, 3Vogue Knitting: the Ultimate Knitting Book. New York: Sixth and Springs Books, 2002.
Comprehensive knitting reference book.
2 Walker, Barbara G. Charted Knitting Designs. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1972.
Book on knitting designs; used for explanation of mosaic knitting.
3 White, Sarah E. "Knitting with Bamboo Yarn." About.com. 2008. 31 July 2008
fiber report--bamboo.
1 Wilson, Jenna. “…a field guide to yarn substitutions.” 2003. Knitty. [Cited 5 February 2006]
1, 2, 3 Wiseman, Nancie M. The Knitter’s Book of Finishing Techniques. Woodinville: Martingale and Company, 2002.
Book addressing techniques to finish knitted pieces.
3Working Travelling Twisted Stitches." Crossed in Translation. 4 Jan. 2006. 14 July 2008
Austrian Twisted Stitches swatch.
3Wyche, Carol. "Entrelac Handout." PrismNet : Austin TX VOIP, Broadband Colocation, Web Hosting. 13 Aug. 2008
3Zimmermann, Elizabeth. The Opinionated Knitter. New York: Schoolhouse P, 2005.
Collection of Elizabeth Zimmermann's Newsletters; Traditional knitting report.
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